Ok, so, Shonda is Black, writing from a Black experience and trying to tell stories that she is probably familiar with and that she thinks would resonate with her audience. How many Black people love watching period pieces and imagining themselves represented but never actually seeing it? Just let people have nice things.
Sorry you don't feel represented, but maybe the point here wasn't just about 'diversity' and 'wokeness.' Maybe the point was just to feature, for once, Black protagonists in a form of storytelling we all know and are familiar with.
You stated that you'd literally rather have yet another unimaginative, all-white cast than have a Black director take her own imaginative view of a fictional story because of 'historical accuracy.' It's FICTION. Use your imagination, or just go watch a documentary if you're looking for accuracy.
Instead of being mad that other POCs are getting a slice of representation, why don't you hold white filmmakers to the most basic standard ever and hold them accountable to casting people of color in their endless whites-only films.
TL;DR: Sometimes you're not the center of attention and it's ok. Stop tearing other POC down while white folks continue to cast themselves in everything.